The University Counselling Centre
The counselling centre is here for all those interested in finding psychological, pedagogical or other help. At the same time, however, the counselling centre is not a clinical workplace (it does not substitute the care of a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist). In case the client’s issue would exceed competence, experience or time possibilities of our advisors, we will help you to find the proper help.

The Psychological Counselling Centre provides preventative and clinical services to all students and staff at the University of South Bohemia.

Counselling staff
The counselling centre is affiliated with the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. The senior counsellors are also staff members of the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education, USB. The services are guaranteed by Mgr. Zdeňka Bajgarová, Ph.D.

Our approach involves counselling, psychotherapy and diagnostics, mainly focusing on individual problems, academic and professional achievement. Our centre also offers group counselling through seminars, lectures and workshops.

Legal support
Universities must provide counselling services for their students according to Higher Education Act No. 111/1998 Coll.).

Ethical principles
Our services adhere to the professional and ethical principles (ethical codex), with particular emphasis on secrecy, confidentiality and impartial approach to the client.

We collaborate with The Association of University Counsellors and other specialists and institutions in caring professions.