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The Department of Social Science prepares future teachers of civic education at primary schools and teachers of social sciences at secondary schools.

Currently, students can study two Bachelor's degree programmes: Social sciences with a focus on education for lower secondary education and Basics of social sciences with a focus on education for secondary schools. These are followed by a pair of Master's degree programmes: Teaching civic education at lower secondary schools and Teaching the basics of social sciences at secondary schools.

The teaching of civic education and social sciences is based mainly on knowledge of philosophy, sociology, political science, law, economics and modern history. In the preparation of future teachers, emphasis is placed on the development of practical teaching skills and a balance between the professional and didactic components. Specific emphasis is placed on selected cross-curricular themes: Education for democratic citizenship, Education towards thinking in the European and global context, Media education and Multicultural education. The subject didactics leads students to use the acquired knowledge and skills from individual disciplines in order to fulfill Framework Education Programme for Basic Education and the Framework Education Programme for Secondary General Education.

The Department cooperates with a number of primary and secondary schools in České Budějovice, where students undergo their teaching practice.

In addition to the preparation of future teachers, the department is involved in the Erasmus Mundus International Study Programme - EMMIR (European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations), in cooperation with seven partner universities from Europe and Africa. EMMIR is a multidisciplinary two-year master's programme focusing on the phenomenon of migration through an intercultural approach. Further details can be found on the website


  • Romana Trnková

  • +420 387 773 378

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  • TL 404



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