Grants and projects
The main researcher | Provider | Title | Agreement no. | Implemented to |
RNDr. Renata Ryplová, Ph.D. | TAČR | STEM in Climate Education: Design and Validation of Learning Activities on the Role of Vegetation in Mitigating the Impacts of Global Climate Change | SQ01010155 | December 2027 |
Mgr. Olga Malinovská, Ph.D. | TAČR | Obstacles to the use of information and communication technologies and the possibility of developing ICT literacy among persons with limited ability to access information | TQ01000362 | January 2026 |
Mgr. Aneta Marková, Ph.D. | TAČR | The changes of selected social services provided to people with disabilities during the viral disease crisis | TL05000413 | December 2023 |
RNDr. Renata Ryplová, Ph.D. | TAČR | Plant biomass in sustainable landscape: Learning platform on photosynthesis of terrestrial and aquatic plants to know the plant role in the landscape | TL05000150 | December 2023 |
doc. PaedDr. Jiří Vaníček, Ph. D. | TAČR | Development of computational thinking by situational algorithmic problems | TL03000222 | February 2023 |
prof. PaedDr. Iva Stuchlíková, CSc. | TAČR | Learning Hyperspace for Formative Assessment and Inquiry Based Science Teaching | TL02000368 | December 2022 |
Mgr. Michal Vančura, Ph.D. | TAČR | Administrative duties in primary education | TIRSMSMT935 | January 2022 |
PhDr. Ivana Šimková, Ph.D. | TAČR | Verification of the efficacy of the Sfumato Reading methodology for helping dyslexic pupils to learn to read | TL03000322 | March 2022 |
Ing. Viktor Vojtko, Ph.D./ Ing. Petr Štumpf, Ph.D. |
TAČR | Marketing decision-support system DestinACE | TL02000423 | December 2022 |
RNDr. Renata Ryplová, Ph.D. | TAČR | Solar energy, Water in Landscape, Vegetation: a New Methodology for Education of Municipal Employees and Inovation of School Teaching on Management Effects on Regional Climate |
TL01000294 | October 2021 |
The main researcher | Provider | Title | Agreement no. | Implemented to |
Mgr. Vojtěch Blažek, Ph.D. | EU, Erasmus +, koordinátor Instituto Politécnico de Tomar | A gamification model for community-based heritage work | 2023-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000154261 | September 2026 |
Mgr. Lukáš Rokos, Ph.D. - PF JU co-researcher University of Groningen (Netherlands) – main researcher |
EU, Erasmus+ | Scientists and Public Engagement – STAGE | 2021-2-NL01-KA220-HED-000048944 | April 2024 |
RNDr. Renata Ryplová, Ph.D. | EU, Erasmus+, coordinator: PF JU | Education for Plant Literacy |
2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000030213 | December 2024 |
prof. PaedDr. Iva Stuchlíková, CSc. | EU, Erasmus+, coordinator: Birmingham City University | Student Technostress in Undergraduate Distance Education: A Navigation Toolkit for Wellness | 2020-1-UK-01-KA226-HE-094622 | June 2023 |
RNDr. Libuše Samková, Ph.D. | DAAD NA, Německo (ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership) | coReflect@maths Digital Support for Teachers' Collaborative Reflection on Mathematics Classroom Situations | 2019-1-DE01-KA203-004947 | August 2022 |
PhDr. Salim Murad, Ph.D. | EACEA | Erasmus Mundus (Erasmus+ A3: Erasmus Mundus, Sport) | EMMIR | September 2021 |
Mgr. Roman Hašek, Ph.D. | EU, Erasmus+, coordinator: Bayreuth University | Improving Tools for E-assessment in Maths and Science (ITEMS) | 2018-1-DE01-KA203-004268 | August 2021 |
Norway Grants
The main researcher | Provider | Title | Agreement no. | Implemented to |
doc. PhDr. Miluše Vítečková, Ph.D. | Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway Grants | Reinforcement of competencies of teachers and other educational staff in the area of including pupils coming from socio-culturally disadvantaged environments |
EHP-CZ-IN-2-003 | July 2023 |
Cross-border cooperation projects
The main researcher | Provider | Title | Agreement no. | Implemented to |
doc. RNDr. Vladimíra Petrášková, Ph.D. | Interreg Bayern-Česko | BASIC MATH (Budování a zajištění základních aritmetických kompetencí na 2. stupni ZŠ) | BYCZ01-018 | July 2027 |
doc. RNDr. Helena Koldová, Ph.D. | Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE | Virtual Reality Education and Training Solutions for Medicine Sector | CE0100136 | March 2026 |
Mgr. Lukáš Rokos, Ph.D. | Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy | Efektivnější STEAM vzdělávání za využití moderních technologií / More Effective STEAM Education with New Technologies | 8J23AT010 | December 2024 |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | Česko-německý fond budoucnosti / DAAD | Společně proti stresu: podpora odolnosti studentů učitelství v bavorsko-českém příhraničí | June 2023 | |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | Česko-německý fond budoucnosti / DAAD | Role České republiky a Německa v mírovém uspořádání Evropy / Die Rolle Tschechiens und Deutschlands in einer europäischen Friedensordnung | 4_22_12613 | December 2022 |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | Česko-německý fond budoucnosti / BTHA | Digitální transformace v jazykové a kulturně heterogenní výuce v bavorsko-českém příhraničí / Digitale Transformation im sprach- und kulturheterogenen Unterricht in der bayerisch-tschechischen Grenzregion | 4_22_12290 / BTHA-SW-2022-2 | December 2022 |
Mgr. Michal Vančura, Ph.D. | INTERREG V-A RAKOUSKO – ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA | Virtual Reality for Education Network |
256 | December 2022 |
Mgr. Jana Kusová, Ph.D. | Aktion Česká republika – Rakousko | univie: summer school for Czech-Austrian Language Tandem: Sommerkolleg České Budějovice 2022 | 92p2 | September 2022 |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | BTHA | Die Digitalisierung im interkulturellen und sprachheterogenen Unterricht an Schulen im bayerisch-tschechischen Grenzraum | BTHA-SW-2021-2 | December 2021 |
Mgr. Jana Kusová, Ph.D. | Aktion Česká republika – Rakousko | univie: summer school for Czech-Austrian Language Tandem: Sommerkolleg České Budějovice 2021 / univie: summer school for Czech- Austrian Language Tandem: Letní kolegium České Budějovice 2021 | AKTION 89p12 | December 2021 |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | Česko-německý fond budoucnosti | Digitalizace v interkulturní a jazykově heterogenní výuce na školách v bavorsko-českém příhraničí | 4-20-9248 | April 2021 |
prof. RNDr. Pavel Pech, CSc. | Program přeshraniční spolupráce Česká republika - Svobodný stát Bavorsko | Mathematische Begabung: Modellierung, Diagnose, Förderung / Matematické nadání: Modelování, diagnóza, podpora | 113 | July 2020 |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | BTHA – spoluúčast na projektu univerzity Passau | PAndemie – eine empirische Untersuchung zu Effekten digitaler Lehrformate bei Lehramtsstudierenden in Bayern und Tschechien | BTHA-AP-2020-DIG-12 | December 2020 |
The main researcher | Provider | Title | Agreement no. | Implemented to |
Mgr. Martin Voříšek, Ph.D. | GAČR | Schwarzenberg Wind Harmonie in the musical life of the princely court at the second half of the 18th century | GA23-07660S | December 2025 |
PhDr. Dalibor Kučera, Ph.D. | GAČR | Computational psycholinguistic analysis of the Czech text | GA16-19087S | December 2020 |