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Optional Physical Education

Since the academic year 2008/2009, the Department of Physical Education and Sport at the Faculty of Education has taken over all optional physical education classes at the University of South Bohemia. Every student at the University of South Bohemia has the opportunity to complete two optional physical education subjects during their bachelor's studies (one in the winter semester and one in the summer semester), either in a semester-based or course-based format. If a student decides to continue with their follow-up master's or doctoral studies, they again have the option to enroll in two optional physical education subjects (one in the winter semester and one in the summer semester).

SEMESTER-BASED Format of Physical Education:

offers a selection from a wide range of sports disciplines – Overview (this overview is for informational purposes only, enrollment cannot be done through it) subject statute C, exercise duration 1 hour/week, 1 credit, repeated enrollment NO, completion credit

Manual for Enrollment in Semester-based Physical Education:

In IS/STAG, find the subject with the abbreviation KTS/VTVZS (in the winter semester), KTS/VTVLS (in the summer semester) After clicking on the subject abbreviation (VTVZS, VTVLS), a list of sports will appear Select a sport and click “Save changes” By opening the schedule of the KTS/VTVZS or KTS/VTVLS subject, a timetable of all scheduled lessons will be offered. Clicking on the small icons in each lesson will display additional information (sport, occupancy, lecturer, etc.).

The minimum number of students required to open a scheduling event is set at 5. If at least 5 students do not enroll for a particular hour, the scheduling event will not take place. The student can then attend any other scheduling event where there is available capacity. If another scheduling event is not suitable for the student, based on a request, the subject will be withdrawn without penalties.

COURSE-BASED Format of Physical Education:

If a student decides to fulfill the requirements of the KTS/VTVZS or KTS/VTVLS subject through course-based education, then during the enrollment/clarification period of the semester, they will electronically enroll in the desired course, following the same manual as for the regular form of education.


Students at the University of South Bohemia who have exhausted their options for enrolling in optional physical education, but still have an interest in regular physical activity, or students who have not yet exhausted their options for enrolling in elective physical education but want to engage in sports more than once a week, can enroll in one of the courses for the public offered by the Faculty of Education within the Lifelong Learning program: (In the search engine, select “FPE – Faculty of Education”. Then, in the expanded list of courses, select courses starting with the abbreviation VTV.)

If you are interested in any course or need further information, please contact Mgr. Fišerová Petra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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